step 1
You will receive an email from a Match Support Specialist to answer any questions and help make sure all of your information is submitted and complete. You will be required to submit a Layered Background Check via Verified Volunteers at a nominal cost.
step 2
Attend a Pre-match Orientation. This orientation will provide you with an overview of the services offered by Big Brothers Big Sisters and training session on child safety and healthy youth/mentor relationships.
step 3
A Match Meeting will be scheduled with you, your Enrollment and Match Support Specialist, your potential Little and his/her parent(s)/guardian. This interview is to get to know you better, so that Big Brothers Big Sisters can help make a match that takes into account your interests, background, and personality.
step 4
This is a chance for you to start getting to know each other in a supported environment. Your Match Support specialist will help you introduce yourselves, and help you talk through what your first meeting together might be.
step 5
Match Support Specialists will support you throughout your match relationship, through regular contact. These contacts are made mostly by phone or in person, and they give you an opportunity to celebrate your successes and voice any concerns you may have with someone who cares and is dedicated to making your match a lasting and fun mentor relationship.